ISA-Certified Arborist Tree Services in Rehoboth Beach. Contact Us Today for a Free Estimate!
Welcome to Strobert Tree Services, Rehoboth Beach's trusted partner in professional tree care. Our team of ISA-Certified Arborists is renowned for our expertise, ensuring the health and safety of your trees with a deep understanding of the local environment. Our roots in the Rehoboth Beach community run deep, allowing us to tailor our services to the unique needs and aesthetics of this vibrant coastal area. From routine maintenance to complex tree removal, we provide a range of top-tier tree care solutions with the highest standards for professionalism and safety.
At Strobert, we prioritize building lasting relationships based on trust and satisfaction. Our commitment to safety, backed by comprehensive insurance and adherence to industry standards, ensures peace of mind for our clients. We take pride in our environmentally responsible approach, using the latest techniques and equipment to protect your property and the local ecosystem. Choose Strobert Tree Services for reliable, expert, and conscientious tree care in Rehoboth Beach
We offer emergency tree services to quickly handle sudden tree incidents. From storm damage to fallen trees and dangerous hanging branches, we respond promptly and efficiently to protect your family and property and restore peace of mind. Trust our experienced arborists for reliable efficient solutions so you can get on with your life.
With years of experience and a team of skilled, ISA-Certified arborists, we offer efficient and reliable solutions for all your tree removal needs. Whether you have a hazardous tree threatening your property or just need to clear space for a new project, our experts are here to help. We prioritize safety and use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure the job is done smoothly and with minimal damage to your property. We also take pains to protect our environment, and process tree debris into lumber, mulch, and paper products to eliminate waste. Trust Strobert for professional and hassle-free tree removal services that exceed your expectations.
Stumps can be a hindrance to the beauty of your property, and a hazard to ankles and mowers. That's why we offer a stump grinding service that is efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly. With our state-of-the-art equipment, we can remove any size of stump from your property quickly and without causing undue damage to the surrounding area. Trust the experts to restore the natural splendor of your landscape.
Regular tree trimming is not only aesthetically pleasing but also essential for the overall well-being of your landscape. Our skilled team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide precise and professional tree trimming services. By removing dead or diseased branches, we promote healthy growth, reduce the risk of accidents during storms, and improve air circulation. Additionally, our trimming techniques help to shape trees, ensuring they complement your property's unique aesthetics. Don't overlook the significance of regular tree trimming - let us take care of your trees, bringing out their natural splendor while maintaining a safe and visually appealing environment.
Our tree pruning service is a critical component of our tree care services. Proper pruning promotes tree health and enhances structural integrity. We assess the trees’ condition, growth pattern, and its surroundings to determine the most beneficial pruning methods. Whether it's routine pruning to remove deadwood and maintain tree shape, or more intensive corrective pruning to address disease or storm damage, we're committed to best practice methods that prioritize tree health and longevity. Our goal is to improve your landscape's aesthetics while keeping your trees healthy and vibrant.
In addition to our tree services, we also offer a dedicated plant care service. We believe that a healthy landscape encompasses not just thriving trees, but also vibrant shrubs, flowers, and other plant life. Our plant care services range from routine maintenance like pruning and fertilizing, to more specialized care such as pest and disease management. Our certified horticulturists understand the specific needs of various plant species and tailor our care plans accordingly. We use sustainable and eco-friendly practices that promote the overall health of your garden, so your plants not only look great but also contribute to a balanced and thriving ecosystem in your outdoor space.
Trees are marvels of nature. Emblematic of both strength and serenity, they have beautified the earth and shaped life as we know it since time immemorial. They can also be dangerous if left unattended on your property. Large and especially aging trees can become structurally compromised, and pose a risk to people, pets, buildings, and cars. Our approach prioritizes the well-being of your trees while safeguarding your home and loved ones from potential hazards. We carefully install non-invasive support systems that promote proper growth and prevent the risk of branch failure. Trust us to deliver reliable and knowledgeable tree cabling services that will keep your trees thriving for years to come.
Storms can wreak havoc on your trees, leaving behind a trail of fallen branches, debris, and potentially hazardous situations, often beyond what homeowners can handle on their own. Damage to trees can leave them unstable in ways that are not obvious to the untrained eye. Enter our team of professional arborists. We are here to help you restore your outdoor space to its former glory, ensuring safety and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. We remove debris, assess tree damage, and provide necessary trimming or removal services. Trust us to handle the aftermath of the storm, so you can focus on getting your life back on track.
Feel the difference with our selection of premium kiln-dried firewoods. Our wood is drier, lighter, easier to light, and burns hotter and cleaner than regular seasoned firewood. Kiln dried means low moisture, so no bugs, mold, or fungus. Chunk and solid cut options. Delivery available. Shop our selection today and enjoy efficient, low-smoke wood for your home, camp, or fire pit year-round.
Strobert Tree low impact crane
Meet Daulton Weit! Daulton received his degree in Horticulture from Williamson College of the Trades in Media, PA. He has served clients and their plants for the past 14 years. Plants have always been a passion of Daulton’s, especially since he is a fifth-generation plantsman.
“When I’m not taking care of trees, I can be found outside fishing or gardening in my yard with my dogs in Milton, DE, where I reside. I look forward to assisting everyone with their tree care needs.”
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