Tree Cabling Services

Utilizing advanced cabling techniques, we provide structural support to weakened or damaged trees, mitigating the risk of limb failure and preserving their natural beauty.

Tree Cabling Services


Cabling and bracing is a process that adds structural support to scale areas in the tree that may fail and harm the tree or surrounding targets. Cabling secures heavy limbs that have weak branch attachment, minimizes the need for heavy pruning on older trees, and supports potentially dangerous limbs during high winds and heavy ice and snow.

Cabling work should be inspected every two to five years to check for deterioration or changes in the tree’s condition. We also advise pruning at the same time as cabling to minimize potential breakage.

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Cabling helps prolong the life of the tree and reduces the likelihood of damage during storms or high winds.
Tree Cabling Services

Frequently Asked Questions

What is tree cabling and why is it necessary?
Tree cabling is a technique used to provide additional support to weak or structurally compromised trees. It involves installing cables high in the tree's canopy to redistribute weight and minimize the risk of branch or trunk failure. Cabling helps prolong the life of the tree and reduces the likelihood of damage during storms or high winds.
How do I know if my tree needs cabling?
Signs that a tree may require cabling include split or cracked branches, multiple branches growing at narrow angles, visible signs of stress or weakness, or trees with co-dominant stems (two main trunks of similar size). An arborist can assess the tree's condition and recommend cabling if necessary.
Can any tree be cabled?
Not all trees are suitable candidates for cabling. The decision to cable a tree depends on factors such as the tree species, its overall health, the severity of structural issues, and the specific goals of the property owner. Consulting with an arborist is crucial to determine if cabling is a viable option for your tree.
How long does cabling typically last?
The lifespan of tree cabling varies depending on factors such as tree species, environmental conditions, and the severity of structural issues. In general, properly installed and maintained cables can last several years. Regular inspections by an arborist are necessary to assess cable condition and make any necessary adjustments or replacements.
Will the cabling damage my tree?
When installed by a trained professional, cabling should not cause any damage to the tree. Cables are strategically placed to provide support without interfering with the tree's growth or natural movement. It is essential to hire an experienced arborist who understands proper cabling techniques to ensure the tree's health and integrity are not compromised.